Risk Management

We aim to offer a full Risk Management Service which significantly differentiates us from our competitors.

In a time of increasing legislation and litigation it is no longer acceptable for any business simply to do its best to comply with requirements.

We are enjoying an ongoing success with the services we offer and clients find them of considerable assistance, cost effective and often not quite as difficult as they first thought.

Some of the services we offer are free to existing clients others are costed at a subsidised hourly rate in order that you pay only for what you need and no more. In addition we can offer employment law and human resources support.


Below is a brief summary as to how we are able to assist, guide, implement or advise.

Health & Safety Management

It is important for any business, large or small, to have in place a Health & Safety Management System.

It does not have to be complex or expensive and the trick is to build it in to the day to day running of your business.

Some initial work, time and effort will have to be made, but thereafter it should nearly run itself as an integral part of how you work.

Fire Risk Assessments

Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2006 the “Responsible Person” for commercial premises is required to carry out a Fire Risk Assessment.

You need to identify and assess the hazards and who could be at risk.

Currently insurers consider 2/3rds of U.K. businesses have not done this and there is likely to be a concentration to ensure this is improved with many insurers now making it a survey or renewal requirement.

Health & Safety Policy

It is a legal requirement for any business employing 5 or more people to have a written Health & Safety policy.

The policy should include an initial statement and outline your organisation, arrangements and how you will enforce the policy and monitor its effectiveness.

This forms the basis of how you will operate your business safely and within the law, which of course, is also a requirement of your Insurance Company and failure to do this could provide grounds for a claim to be declined.

Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments are required by Law and make good sense. If they are carried out properly they can reduce the risks to your business.

Under The management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 there is a requirement for adequate assessment, prevention and control of risks, information and training of employees.

Asbestos Survey

Every business premises from a corner shop to a large factory is required to either declare the premises asbestos free or if asbestos is or could be present to actively manage and control it.

The Control of Asbestos At Work Regulations are quite clear in this regard. Asbestos dust/air borne fibre is a killer and one of the greatest causes of work related death. While the use of asbestos is now banned much is still present in older buildings.

A type 1 Asbestos Survey will usually fulfil all the necessary requirements.

Disaster Recovery Planning

It is acknowledged that around 80% of businesses fail to survive after a major fire. Those with a disaster recovery plan have a significantly improved chance of survival.

Having a plan in place gives you a procedure to follow in the event of a disaster happening, it may not be a fire, it could be a flood, terrorist acts, or simply anything which disrupts your business.

With a plan people know what to do and how to do it, it will ensure the disruption is managed and minimised to ensure the best chance of survival. Do remember once you have lost a customer it can be very hard to win them back.

Staff Training

To meet both Legal and Insurance Company requirements it is important to ensure staff are adequately trained and that you keep a record of this.

Training can be expensive in terms of both cost and time. We have designed and delivered a number of short talks which we deliver in the workplace and usually take no more than 1 hour.

All courses are fully certified and delivered with the minimum of disruption to your business. We are able to offer many types courses and would be happy to discuss your requirements with you.

Method Statements & Safe Systems

Again these are a legal requirement and often a pre-contract requirement. Many businesses will already be well versed in their preparation and production.

Some clients use our services because it is more cost effective, others with less experience will use us in the short term. Whatever your requirement we can usually help. On several occasions we have been successful in helping clients win major contracts.

Risk Improvement Surveys

We take pride in the relationships we have with many Insurance Companies. This is reflected in our ability to obtain premiums which reflect the risk. The better risk you are the less premium you will pay.

Not only will we carry out a comprehensive survey and report “as is” we can offer advice and guidance as to how you can improve and reduce the risk in the most cost effective manner.

Insurers also carry out regular surveys which we can attend to ensure requirements and recommendations are mutually agreed, reasonable and set realistic time scales for implementation.

Accident Investigation

Accidents do happen, the important thing is to reduce the risk of it happening again. It is also important if the accident could result in a claim that the facts, circumstances and information are gathered and where appropriate preserved.

Some accidents will require to be reported to the H.S.E. (R.I.D.D.O.R.).
We offer a comprehensive service from simple accident book review to employee death or serious injury.

As part of your Health & Safety policy you should have in place a system for dealing with accidents.

Legionella Risk Assessments

Under general Health & Safety Law you have to provide a safe place of work. In doing so you should consider the risks from Legionella.

Like any other risk you should identify and assess the risk/hazard, prepare a scheme for prevention or control, manage the scheme and keep necessary records.

Rebuilding Cost Valuations

How much would it cost to rebuild your premises? A simple question you may think and not of special importance. The majority of Insurance Policies are subject to average. If you are under insured your claimed amount will be reduced.

We offer a service to existing clients where we will calculate the rebuilding cost of your premises and provide you will a full report.


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Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

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